These are a few pictures from my classroom last year. I started out by making sure my classroom had color and avoided over laminating my posters. I think this gives the room a much nicer feel. I made sure that there were maps in the classroom so that students knew where each Spanish-speaking country is (or any country for that matter). On the back bulletin board I stapled 4 colored folders with important forms for each grade level. That way if a student was out when the office sent out any letters or notices, they could go to the back to get what they missed. Kids always seem to lose their picture forms or permission slips. This has been the easiest way for my students and for me to get extras if necessary. I also had three calendars on the back blackboard since I taught three different sections of Spanish. I posted any upcoming quizzes, tests and projects so that students knew what was due that month.
This is the view from the back of the room. I had my word wall placed right at the front of the room so that students could easily see the words we were learning. I also had vocabulary posted around the room that students would reference throughout the year. Most of these posters are less than 2$ so I just buy new ones if they rip, as opposed to laminating everything in the room.
On this side wall, I had my file cabinet. I kept everything organized in manila folders depending on the topic or theme. Examples might be: travel, home, family, ser vs. estar, preterite, culture.I also had three bins under the Mexican flag- one for each section I taught. I put extra copies of all the papers I handed out. If a student was missing an assignment- either because they were absent or they forgot- they could go to their class bin and pull out an extra copy. All papers were organized in manila folders and labeled the way the assignment was labeled in the grade-book. This way I did not have to make extra copies and they could be held responsible for making up any missed work.
I am already thinking of things I will do differently this year and I am excited to try them out. Perhaps student files & work organized in bins? Whole class teaching? Maybe even having the students blog?Can't wait to tell you what I change and how it goes!
Any suggestions on whole class teaching?
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